Thursday 23 August 2012


Duncan has been growing a chilli plant in the last couple of weeks and his Aunty, who's visiting from Narberth, told him yesterday evening that he should taste one, even thought they're not yet ripe. He carefully selected a chilli off his plant and, without reservations, proceeded to take a huge bite out of it. Within the minutes that followed my boyfriend felt he was in the 'afterlife' (as he described it), such was the severity of the heat - though, this was after he screamed like a little girl around the kitchen shrieking 'MILK, HOT' at the top of his voice. 

Never a dull moment...

Thursday 16 August 2012

What would happen if...

Duncan: 'What do you think would happen if you put a buttered piece of bread and put it on a cat's back butter side up? Would it break the space/time continuum?'  

Friday 3 August 2012


A few weeks ago I went on holiday with Duncan’s family to Drimnin in Movern, Scotland which truly was a fortnight of hilarity. Here’s a snippet from my trip diary of one of the highlights:

‘As we continued into Scotland and across Rannach Moor, Duncan insisted on having ‘Ride of the Valkyries’ played with all the windows wound down. At the time, Duncan had put his sunglasses and hat on the parcel shelf, as well as an empty Twix wrapper, which quickly found it’s way out of the window in the high winds that penetrated the car. Amongst all of the madness, there was also some fear that the sunglasses were involved in the exodus and Duncan proceeded to shout ‘MY SUNGLASSES ARE GONE’ in a hyperbolic manner. They were later located, by myself, behind my headrest.’


This week I’ve come to realise that having a boyfriend is a lot like owning a dog. For example, I have Duncan (my boyfriend) trained to fetch and also to dry my hair, so next trick will be nail painting, I guess. Though, having left him alone in my bedroom for less than thirty seconds yesterday and returned to discover that he’d painted his nails bright pink I don’t think I want a repeat performance. In character he’s energetic, spontaneous, hyperactive and, generally, a lot like Marley from the film ‘Marley and Me’. Like John Grogan in the film I’ve decided to write about him, though in the style of a blog rather than a newspaper column, as events resembling the nail painting occur on a daily basis. Welcome to life with Duncan